IFSC Verification

IFSC or India Financial System Code is an 11 digits alphanumeric code used by the different bank branches given by the Reserve Bank of India. IFSC code is majorly used for the online transfer of money.

IFSC Verification API

IFSC code verifies the bank’s branch and prevents from frauds. Now easily verify the bank’s branch and address using IFSC verification API and transfer funds securely. The verification results will provide the name of the bank, bank code, branch MICR code, branch location, and supported mode of transfers. API is the reputed and trusted API service provider company in India providing IFSC code verification API at a very reasonable and affordable rate. Our API allows a business correspondent to verify the bank’s IFSC code for their customers.

How It Works?

IFSC also is known as the Indian Financial System Code is a kind of unique given to every branch of the bank which is used for online transactions. IFSC verification API is used to search bank and branch details of the given IFSC code. Hence, bank IFSC code verification is very essential for every individual. The bank IFSC code API allows an agent to provide various bank general information, branch location, and supported modes of transfer.

The general information includes the name of the bank, branch MICR code, etc. however, branch location includes the complete address of the branch-like name, address, city, district, and state.

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